Analog Fruit

Analog Fruit

Analog Fruit (CH)


spectacle musical jeune public

La Place Saint-Maur
Stage equipped with a hearing induction loop
Stage accessible to people with reduced mobility

Les Vergers de l'Hermitage

Date(s) and times

Thursday 18:00 - 18:40 La Place Saint-Maur
Friday 18:15 - 18:55 Les Vergers de l'Hermitage

Co-produced by La Cité, Analog Fruit raconte Louise et Anne vont en Louisiane is an adaptation of a book/disc of the same name, brought to the stage for the first time. To the rhythm of two percussionists (Luc Müller, Cyril Bondi) and two banjos (Cyril Yeterian, Jonas Bernath), the musicians use Louisiana and its crocodiles as a backdrop to tell a story full of adventure and surprises. Musical motifs and narration mingle in this new creation, which takes young audiences on a marvellous journey, just as it revives childhood memories thought lost forever when they first read The Jungle Book or The Aristochats.

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